Computational Vision Machine Learning and Data Mining Operating Systems Embedded Systems Computing Systems Learning Systems Programming Methods Hack Society Algorithms Relational Databases Database System Implementation Data Visualization
Decidability and Tractability Discrete Math Fundamentals of Programming Computer Language Shop C Track Computer Language Shop C++ Track Computer Science Research
Hey, I'm Robert Eng (I also go by Reng). For one more thrilling year, I will be finishing a double major in Computer Science and History at Caltech, absorbing as much CS knowledge as my brain can handle in the process. I definitely love building things and have been doing so since the wee old age of 12. While I find sciences fascinating (why else would I be at Caltech), I take special interest in Military History with a focus in Early Modern Europe.
AP Computer Science EGPY Introduction to C Programming EPGY Programming in C - Algorithms and Techniques EPGY Compound Data Types and Advanced Topics in C
On the Applied Machine Learning Distributed Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure Team developing a checkpointing system in the Caffe2 framework.
C++ Python
Infrastructure team at DoorDash working on the Django backend. Created the programmatic API client. Began a new database interface via API rather than insecure built-in admin backdoor.
Python Django
Chosen from among 2500 applicants as one of 57 Engineering KP Fellows. Attended talks from VCs, CEOs, and Founders from the KPCB family. Met other fellows and went on adventures with them.
Evaluated and analyzed the fairness and performance of different transport layer protocols such as TCP, Speedy TCP, and Google QUIC under controlled and real world scenarios. Investigated packet captures of video streams and RTS games to find optimal settings for Speedy TCP. Crafted a suite of network tools.
Dash Bash Python Javascript C PHP
Network Emulation with VMs Speedy Packets TCP Google QUIC Wireshark Raspberry Pi
Protected against external cyber-attacks on Caltech’s internal network by developing scripts to detect suspicious login activity. Performed security audits on newly deployed applications and troubleshooted network crashes. Researched the traceability of BitTorrent. Notified users of SSID vulnerabilities.
Perl Python HTML CSS Javascript Django
Security Compromised VMs Burp Proxy MySQL BitTorrent Outlook 365 API
Computer Vision Research at Caltech in Professor Perona's lab. The research involves lifting 3D pose from a 2D image of a person.
Python HTML CSS Javascript
Amazon Mechanical Turk Mongodb
Writing Senior Thesis under Caltech's Professor Philip T. Hoffman. The research is on democracy's response to casualties in the modern era.
Libraries Books
Restructuring Caltech Undergrad “Donut” site for online student services such as course scheduling, election coordination, housing assignments, and directory assistance to a standardized Python-based Flask.
Python Flask SQL Perl
Organized and ran Caltech's annual 500 person hackathon in 2016 and 2017. Found sponsors, handled logistics, and designed all the branding and related material. Learned countless skills I would never learn in class.
Adobe Illustrator
In CS11, assisted professor in teaching the fundamentals of C. Graded homework and provided feedback. In CS2, helped students learn programming methods, algorithms, etc. In CS9, gave talk on navigating internship search. In Cooking Class, taught how to cook!
C C++
Designed and developed an intuitive and interactive Google Maps web interface for deep field galaxy surveys for use by the astronomical community worldwide. With my mentor, authored a research paper describing the conception and development of the project for submission.
Built an optical keyboard allowing the user to type on a desk with only a phone camera recording your hands.
Created a California statute visualizer based on interconnectedness of laws. Explored the intersection between law and CS for accessibility.
HTML CSS Javascript Python Flask d3.js
Predicted voter behavior using various Machine Learning models and a dataset of voter information.
Used NLP packages and Hidden Markov Models to generate Shakespearian sonnets following rhyme pattern, English grammar, and punctuation.
Predicted Netflix Ratings using various Machine Learning models. SVD, RBM, Neural Nets, K Nearest Neighbors, etc.
Built a platform for games to be played before Hacktech as part of enhancing hacker experience.
Python Flask CSS Javascript HTML
Estimates how much declining balance (part of the Caltech meal plan) you should have throughout the term.
HTML CSS Javascript
A visualizer of Hacktech 2016 projects for interested hackers and potential sponsors to peruse what has been and can be accomplished at Hacktech.
d3.js FlatUI
Want to go somewhere but don't know what to do? generates an itinerary for you based on preferences.
Python Flask CSS Javascript HTML
We created an interactive visualizer of global data through the use of VR and Leap Motion by displaying a globe focusing on cities as data hubs.
C# Python Flask Javascript HTML Unity Oculus Rift Leap Motion Twitter API Yelp API Weather API
To conserve water in Pasadena, we created a website to identify appliances to replace and display resulting benefits.
HTML CSS Javascript Bootstrap AngularJS Firebase
Because Caltech webmail lacks the functionality of a modern email client, I created an autosorter to save the minutes of time I waste moving email to Trash.
HTML Javascript CSS
Chrome Extension
Happy Mother's Day! Changes out the new tab with a slideshow of wonderful pictures.
HTML Javascript CSS
Chrome Extension
Although Hacktech 2015 never came to fruition, I had the opportunity to develop the website which would collect applications and registration for the event as well as design the logo.
EJS CSS Javascript Node.js MySQL jQuery
Need help finding the times to meet up? INeedASocialLife offers an event planner and scheduler for this and changes the schedule in real time.
EJS CSS Javascript Bootstrap Flat UI Socket.IO Node.js MongoDB jQuery JSON
To identify the optimal strategy for the card game Golf, we built a simulated tournament based on AI principles to evaluate various scenarios.
Ever lose a Stackoverflow page you viewed 14 hours ago? This chrome extension remembers coding-related pages and associates them with each project.
HTML CSS Javascript
JSON jQuery Chrome Extension
A Simulator to practice rounds and a Generator which puts together sets of questions from multiple sources and Wikipedia.
HTML CSS Javascript Bootstrap PHP XML Python MySQL jQuery AJAX
The site promotes Meilan Steimle's writing services as well as enables her customers to schedule appointments through a Google Calendar.
EJS CSS Javascript Bootstrap Flat UI Node.js MongoDB jQuery AJAX JSON
Essentially a Google Maps for galaxies. This project represented my first foray into webdev and affirmed my love of astronomy.
HTML CSS Javascript PHP XML MySQL jQuery AJAX Google Maps API
Created for the History Day competition, this website presents a unique thesis on the importance of the Battle of Midway in history.
With aspirations in CS and world domination, this was built to emulate the game Risk, complete with several maps and an AI aptly named Stanley the Monkey.
This is a replica of the classic program Conway's Game of Life. While not the most complex, this life-changing project can be marked as the genesis of my endeavors in CS.
One of my side hobbies is graphic and web design. This website is an example of that as all the icons are custom made (except for the company logos of course). I've been doing the logo and promotional material for Hacktech. I also do tshirt design for various groups at Caltech.
Back when I was a wee little middle schooler, my programming experience began with creating games in Gamemaker. Concurrently, I developed an eye for layout and design by putting together newspapers for school projects.
Weebly Gamemaker Microsoft Powerpoint Adobe Indesign